Saturday, July 10, 2010

My first post...

hello Cyberworld, June here...
Just got back from our annual LBI vacation and guess what? I didnt have one hotdog the whole week! It's just not fair.
I have a few pictures from when we got home... Da (that's Irish for my dad) took a few snaps of me with a fake hot dog... a squeeker stuffy in the shape of a hot dog...Like this one (This hot dog was given to me by our friend Linda in Minnesota) It didn't taste half as good as my FAVORITE... Best's. Aint nothing better than a Best!
I'll be back soon to post about some of the adventures me and Blue had down the shore this past week!


  1. Junie! Welcome to the blog world. I am SO happy you joined in the fun.

  2. Junie,
    You should've had your mamma and dadda put you in the Nathan's contest! You'd kick some butts for sure...

    -Lucy from MN
