Monday, December 20, 2010

Season's Greetings!


  1. btw... we are NOT getting married! BOL... this is just our holiday finery this year. Blue simply BELONGS in a tux and me, well, I am the Snow Queen.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, I removed my post, Apparently I can neither proof, nor spell. LOL Anyway, let's try this again.

    Wait a minute, I thought you were the Queen of Snorks-n-Porks. So confused. =0)

    We finally took our holiday photos. The boys were so bad. We just laughed and laughed. I have a whole lot of tongue, butt and blur. Long live the holiday portrait, Taren and Caelan style, it is the best part of the season.

  4. What a terrific card. Happy Holidays!
