I just had to post and tell you all that this weekend I discovered that those Grayhart girls are allright!
Ya know how my Ma's always hanging with them and I sometimes can get a little jealous? Well she did it again! She went to a big dog show this Sunday (even brought Grammy!) and before I even got a chance to utter harumpf and go sulk, she came home with a baggie of some bait that auntie Linda sent home "from the girls!"
What's in the bag, Ma???
and there was a few cubes of STEAK!!!!! nom nom nom... yummy!
Here all along I thought they just used Natural Balance rolls as bait, holy canolli was I wrong! Maybe I shoulda been a show girl after all... I mean if they get to eat hot dogs at these shows, how could I not, right? BOL
I dont know how they do it though keeping their girlish figures AND still eating the food of the gods...
So a shout out to my new bff's, Trixie, Jam and Savi... FANX, girls!!