Yesterday, one day shy of Blue's 7th Gotcha Day Anniversary with Ma and Da, his journey came full circle.
I see how sad Ma and Da are today and I too am sad. I miss Blue already. He was the sweetest boy. I know I didnt always show it, but I loved him very much...He changed all our lives for the better.
I am sure you know the story of how Blue found Ma and Da and rescued them, but what you might not know is how he changed their lives and as a result changed the lives of many people all over the world. And he changed my life too.
Because of Blue, Ma and Da met people they would have never met... new friends, trainers, all the neighbors, rescue people, other Weim Addicts... they have gone places they never would have either, meeting other Weimaraner people has taken them all over to events and gatherings...Da also found his true calling because of all the training he did with Blue...Blue wound up in the pages of Us magazine (a few times!) and ultimately led Ma and Da to me! You see, I wouldn't be here if Ma and Da hadn't fallen in love so hard with Weims because of Blue. They wanted a mate for him and after a few meet & greets, they found me!

Thank you Blue. I love you.
Junie's Ma here: It's a very very sad day for us, but please enjoy the few pictures of us with our boy... Run Free, Sweet Blue