Um, I mean Strut YOUR Mutt! BOL
Sunday was the annual doggy walkathon for Ma's friend's all breed rescue Happy Tails Animal Rescue and I went! Each year, Ma's rescue used to sponsor a 5k and so we would alternate which event we went to each year, even though we always had fun with HTAR. Since TSWR no longer sponsored this race, we were able to go!!! We invited
Auntie Linda and her gray girls and I gotta tell you, we were a HIT!

So many people were impressed with how well behaved we were and how pretty we are! We had so much fun... strutting our stuff. There was contests and raffles and snacks and prizes. For humans and doggies. Ma won one of the raffle baskets... some wine and glasses (WTG, Ma!!) and me and the Grayhart Girls won some competitions!!!! You know, I'm not much of a competitor in the same venues as my pals, Trixie, Jam and Savi, but I held my own and even WON a ribbon!!! :-) For the second year, I was crowned "Best Chowhound"! Defending my title, this year I got a ribbon that proclaims: Most Eager Eater 2012. Ma now I can add my MEE title after my name! It was easy for me since we all know how much I love to eat...even weird stuffs! So it was an animal cracker, a matzoh, cheese doodle, carrot, lettuce and..... a pickle! The dog trainer running the contest could not beleive her eyes... we Weims were eating it all! It came down to a 3-way-tie and the run off was another carrot but this time, speed was the key. I gobbled mine so fast and I heard Auntie Linda shout Junie's done!!! Jam and Trixie tied for second place. We all got a baggie of yummy treats. Another contest was longest down-stay. I listen real good so Ma figured to try me at that to and I was doing so good... Next to Savi keeping watch on Ma... a few dogs moved or broke when the trainer walked through with a Boxer or bouncing a tennis ball. I stayed. Then Ma too a step back and I flinched. Out. :-( But I stayed on to cheer and watch the girls... first Jam went out, then eventually Savi leaving Trixie and the trainer's lab. Trixie even conquered her out-of-sight stay and then more tennis ball tossing. Not knowing what else to tempt them with, the trainer declined to toss treats and announced a tie. Trixie got the ribbon and the lab got some treats!
We also got to really show how "nice" we are when there was a young visually impaired boy wanting to pet us. First Jam, since she is really a certified Delta Dog... he even got to give her a treat and you could see his whole face light up! He then went on to pet Savi and came near me. Ma explained that he could pet me too ad he was so gentle and told his parents i was soft "like a pillow!!" He liked me! He really liked me!! It was very touching becuase I know Ma is so proud of the wonderful therapy sessions Jam and Auntie Linda have and now we could experince that same heartwarming moment. Jam also greeted a few seniors in wheelchairs while we were walking around the pond.
Oh, the pond!!! FULL. OF. GEESE. Guess who wanted to jump in after them?? ME!!!!
After all that excitement, we went for some lunch and me and Ma went on a three mile walk with Jam and Auntie Linda.
I had such a fun day and we all get along so nicely.
I hope we can do it again soon!