Deer Secret Santa,
We thought we weren't good doggies dis year and were gonna miss out on swapping prezzies. I was even more disappointed 'cuz Ma usually is on this sort of stuff. And also because lasteryear we had so much fun on Blue's last Secret Swap and I fink dis year Haze deserves to get in on the fun!! It's his first Christmas wif us and I think even though he's a bad boy around udder doggies, and sometimes he can be a pest, he's really a good boy and I kinda' like him now! know what I want (hot dogs!!!) but here is a wishlist from both of us:
bully sticks
grain-free biscuits/treats
stuffies (I get to destuff/desqueek them and Haze nooks on the "pelt"
Yours truly,
Junie and Haze